This game is really fun, exciting, funny, and intense game. This is the third game in the trilogy and is by far the best with all the enhancements technological and story wise. The story is actually quite interesting, you start off as the leader of the biggest gang worldwide. When a bank heist goes wrong you and your closest allies need to get revenge who stole everything you have and rebuild from the ground up. The story also has a lot of twists and turns for entertainment and length value. You also start to see the slow growth physically and mentally throughout the game. The game has tons of mini-games such as Tank mayhem, snatch, escort, guardian angel and much more. You can also rebuild your empire by buying properties from your rival gang who stole everything increasing your hourly income. Also in the main menu there is an extra mode called "Whored Mode" which is a survival wave which i think is an Easter egg because it makes fun of the popular game Gears of War "Hored Mode". You can play cooperatively with a friend where you guys share everything and it works perfectly. The game's quality is okay in terms game graphics but it doesn't compare to the graphics of Grand Theft Auto 4. The sound quality sometimes lags out and I can't hear the witty one liners that your character says however that could just be me. Before you enter a cut scene you have a phone call explaining where you need to meet and a little of whats going to happen, I find this feature a little annoying at time however it is different and not many games have this feature. The achievements in this game are really easy and some have an Easter egg quality or a secret comedic value to them. Lastly, this game is extremely funny and it has tons of funny moments even in tense serious situations, this game is more played and known for its comical value over its overall realism and story unlike Grand Theft Auto 4.

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